How top employers support their associates

What do air travel, space travel, music, cell phones and books have in common?

They’re all businesses in Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Group.

One business in this group, Virgin Pulse, made waves a few years ago by naming June “National Employee Wellness Month.”

From smoothie-making tips over Zoom to guided meditations, I’ve heard of lots of new ways employers are supporting their associates' wellness. As the lines between work life and home life blur, this may be more important than ever before.

But more and more companies are also supporting the financial well-being of their associates. This is great news! Especially because the majority of employees report they’re stressed at work, and personal finances are often the # 1 cited stressor.

Companies today face recruitment and retention challenges, lost productivity and rising healthcare costs. One way to address these hurdles is by offering employees financial literacy and wellness workshops and coaching.

As Sir Richard says, “Take care of your employees. They’ll take care of your business.”

What ways have you seen companies taking good care of their people?

How is your company embracing financial wellness benefits for associates?

Sheila Walsh